Science classes can be a lot of fun. Students learn concepts that help them understand the world around them, and the material is perfect for students who perform better when they have hands-on material. For younger students, classroom experiments tend to be kept simple. But, as students get older, school science labs get more dangerous, with things like harmful chemicals and bunsen burners making the lab more hazardous. That’s why paying attention to classroom safety and laying out simple rules for students to follow is important at every grade level.

Keeping Teachers and Students Safe
Science safety is mostly about keeping teachers and their students safe! Younger students (and even teenagers) often don’t understand the need for caution, or they won’t have the foresight to see how their actions can hurt the people around them. Training students to pay attention to simple safety procedures and making them aware of the dangers in the classroom is the first step to protecting everyone, including teachers. As much as we try to keep classroom experiments simple and safe, mistakes and accidents do happen. An experiment that goes wrong can cause needless injuries, damage a teacher’s reputation and even harm the school financially. With proper safety procedures and training in place, teachers and students can work together to avoid dangers.

Make Learning Experiences Fun and Positive
Your students live for the fun lessons. They’re the classes that make the biggest impression, and it means the material is more likely to stay with students for the long-term. And, as long as safety precautions are being followed, science classes can turn out to be some of the most memorable experiences in a child’s school career. Science lab safety is critical to that experience! Experiments that go awry often have the potential to harm or frighten students, potentially putting the class off exploring science any further.

Teach Students to Take Responsibility
Science classes are easily some of the most engaging lessons for students. They have the chance to get hands-on with the material and participate in demonstrations and experiments. But, that level of engagement means they have to take an active role in their own learning and safety. Good science class safety always begins with teaching students how to be aware of their surroundings. It’s important for students to be careful about what they’re doing, and it’s equally important that they keep an eye on what other people are doing. Teaching students to stay aware is a step towards encouraging them to take responsibility for themselves. Learning personal responsibility is a lesson that can have a huge impact on students’ lives, boosting their productivity and helping them reduce their stress levels.

Good Habits for Everyday Life
Science lab safety is a must-have for anyone who’s attending science classes at school. But the things students learn at a young age are lessons they can carry with them into the rest of their lives. Students who learn about science safety can use those teachings throughout their school careers and beyond. As experiments progress during middle school and high school, students can apply and build on their existing safety training. In turn, those lessons can carry on into their future, keeping students safe as they explore university and workplace science labs and experiments. A big part of teaching classroom safety is teaching kids to recognise, understand and react to potential dangers, and those are skills they’ll have the chance to apply again and again throughout their lives.
Ready to Dive Into Classroom Experiments? Book With Street Science Today!
Street Science works with students and educators all over the country, delivering fun and engaging lessons that will have your students ready for more! Our qualified teachers have lots of experience with designing lessons, and we tailor our material to be suitable for all age groups, from kindergarten through to high school. Take a look at our classroom science kits if you need safe and fun lessons for the classroom, or consider subscribing to our Learning Lab if you’d like ongoing access to our material! Talk to us today about what you need for your classroom or to book your class in for one of our in-person programs.